Continuing the posting trend. ( Art blog of Andrea Snow.

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Continuing the posting trend.

Hey friends.
There are now have two additional authors here: Mallory, an astounding photographer, and Sefv, the comic book woman (who just showed up at my desk [I occasionally blog from work] and plopped down a tiny Luna Bar! My favorite). I'm not sure how often they'll post (or if they'll post it all) -- it will depend on how their schedules and motivation work out, but I thought I'd give any readers a head's up. :)

As for art, I've had a very small amount of time to work on independent, non-school-related pieces, which seems to be when I conjure the most ideas. None the matter, though: I have a commission to do, and another potential commission job coming up. A few sketches may be expected between now and then, but for the most part, i've been a bit unmotivated.

The Student Show is on Thursday night, with judging tomorrow afternoon, and I just put up my work yesterday (with the help of fellow students). Good luck to everyone who has entered work into it!


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