Previously mentioned posting. ( Art blog of Andrea Snow.

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Previously mentioned posting.

Today is Alice Liddell's (from Lewis Carroll's The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, an obsession of mine) birthday. I did a few small doodles to coincide with that, but that's not out of the ordinary for me. Rather than scanning those, I'd like to share this with you today:


The library that I currently work in sells its old books for a quarter apiece, or as many as you can carry for one dollar. One of my (newer) favorite past-times is buying them out, sketching/writing in them, and then leaving them in public places for someone else to find (such as the $5 DVD bins at my local Wal-Mart). Sometimes, I'll go through it and highlight a word or two on every page, creating a new story. Other times, I'll leave words of wisdom or advice along the outer edges of the pages, or make comments on what has been written before me. I am always sure to leave at least ten pages of imagery and two colored works.

This is my latest book project, Pornography: Women, Violence, and Vicil Liberties - A Radical New View by Catherine Itzin. The book itself is fairly interesting (although slightly ludicrous at times, even to a very prominent feminist such as myself), and I'm trying to maintain a similar theme with all of the drawings in it. This particular one was done during my Short Stories class (sorry, Instructor Joe! I promise I was paying attention!).


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