Slacking off, much? ( Art blog of Andrea Snow.

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Slacking off, much?


A small doodle on construction paper, done at work (which explains why I could scan such an obscurely-sized sheet -- it's rather long -- as well as the strange electric-looking light-lines on the image), while making fat barnyard animals for the Children's Library. I was able to hang out with the world's most adorable Boston terrier puppy last night, so I've scribbled severeal monstrous bug-eyes since.

The Student Show went very well. I received "Best in Show" again, and I'd like to give a major congratulations to friends Dru Thornquest ("Best of Portfolio"), Mallory Minor ("Best in Photography"), and Erika Burton ("Best in Painting"), as well as all other students who submitted work. Everything was spectacular. Major thanks to Melissa McClement-Engler and Therese Melena for all of the work and slave-driving that they do throughout the semesters, and for shoving me when I need to be shoved. :)

Expect a few more small sketches here and there, as well as anthropomorphic creatures with obscene film canisters (for Lobb). I'm on spring break right now and will hopefully have time to execute a couple of ideas that I've been thinking of. So far, I've worked on making the Archive and individual entry pages match up, and I should upload the remaining files (to the left) by Wednesday. Photos of work from the Student Show should be available after April 10th.

Finally, I purchased a new, better-quality camera and am probably going to be fairly vain within the next week or so.


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