Since the show is over... ( Art blog of Andrea Snow.

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Since the show is over...

This piece was called "drink me." and was sold to Lobb. It's done on 24x18" watercolor paper and was finished just before the Student Show went up. I lost a lot of the details in the background when I went over it in acryllic (my attempt at giving it a blurry sort of depth). It's supposed to look like a large comic book panel, as it originally had a sister piece that was accidentally destroyed.

I uploaded a few things to the sketch directory, including my first assignment from my Illustration class (this semester) and a few shots of a very small (5 1/2x8 1/2") watercolor doodle that I donated to the RLC Art League Sale (which I am also currently baking cookies for).

I'll try to post the rest of the pieces that I had in the show by the end of the weekend. Happy Easter to everyone, just in case I don't get around to it!


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